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Audit Documents

The following documents must be reviewed and completed in order to begin a Utility, Telecommunications and Streetlight Audit.

How to Begin a Troy & Banks Audit
Client Agreement
Letter of Authorization
A typical Utility, Telecommunications and Streetlight Audit timeline looks like the following:
Approach: The technical approach to the utility bill audit will be tailored to the needs of your organzation. Typically, we follow a three-phrase process. There is an organizational phase, an audit phase, and a claims resolution phase.
Phase One: Audit Set Up (Approximately 45 days)
  • Compile client information, including invoice copies, account lists, facilities list, contact information and contracts

  • Order transcripts from investor-owned, municipal and cooperative utility and phone providers

  • Organize date for audit phase

Phase Two: Detailed Audit/Audit Master Software™ (Approximately 2-8 weeks)
  • Conduct a detailed review of all monthly charges including rates, demand reads, taxes, riders, adjustments and special contracts

  • Validate monthly charges against applicable rate cards, tariffs and rate spreadsheets

  • Identify billing errors

Phase Three: Refund Claim Negotiations (Approximately 4-8 weeks)
  • ​Report billing errors to utility vendors requesting refunds

  • Negotiate appropriate credits or refunds

  • Provide Final Management Summary Report documenting refund

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